Welcome to Sai Seba Dham
India has been a land of sages who have guided and shaped the socio -cultural landscape of India. Perhaps no other saint other than Shirdi Sai Baba– a mystic faquir- who first made his appearance in a small village “Shirdi” in Ahmednagar District of Maharashtra can claim to have made such an astounding impact on the spiritual landscape of India and the world.
The divine role of Shri Sai Baba is manifested in the depth and expansiveness of his unique role. When Sai Baba appeared, India was in a crossroad of cultural and religious mix. The Mughal empire was vanishing and the British empire was establishing itself. Western culture and Christianity were slowly entering into the mainstream of Indian life. Religious and cultural intolerance were raising their ugly heads in the Post Sepoy-Mutiny Scenario of India. It could not have been possible for any leader or statesman to bring about harmony among the divergent religious, cultural groups in such a situation. It was only a God in human form who could dare and accomplish the task of bringing unity between the different religious and social groups. Sai baba had large number of Hindu, Parsee and Muslim devotees. Christians and Sikhs also used to visit Him.
The birth, birthplace or parents of Sai Baba of Shirdi is not known to anyone. He first manifested Himself as a young lad of sixteen under a Neem tree in Shirdi. The people of the village were amazed to see such a young lad practicing hard penance. People wondered where this young lad had turned up from. Outwardly he looked very young; but by His action he was a Great Soul. Even at that young age He seemed to be full with the knowledge of Brahman. He had no desire for worldly objects.
After a stay of three years, Sai Baba disappeared from Shirdi and reappeared after sometime later along with a marriage party. The narrative of that occurrence is as follows : A Prosperous man named Chand Patil from the village Dhoop in the Nizam State lost his mare while making a trip to Aurangabad. He searched long for the mare but with no success. While coming back disappointed, with the saddle on his back he saw a Fakir sitting under a mango tree smoking Chillum (pipe). On seeing Chand Patil pass by the way, He called out to him and asked him to have a smoke and to rest a little. The Fakir asked Chand Patil about the saddle. Chand Patil replied that it was of his mare which was lost. The Fakir asked him to make a search in the Nala close by and to Chand Patil’s wonder he found his mare there. Chand Patil thought that this Fakir was not an ordinary man, but a great saint. He requested the Fakir to come to his home and accept his hospitality. Next day He went to the Patil’s house and stayed there for some time. The Patil was a village - officer of Dhoop. His wife’s brother’s son was to be married and the bride was from Shirdi. So Patil made preparations to start for Shirdi for the marriage. The Fakir also accompanied the marriage-party to Shirdi. The marriage party returned after the ceremony but the Fakir stayed back and remained there forever.
Gradually the curious villagers started offering food to the man, but He never asked anything from any one. He shared his food with the animals. Soon the young Fakir, as He was started to be addressed, started expressing his view points with few elderly villagers. His simple language of expression and his special power of solving the problems of the poor and needy soon made this less known Fakir, be known as Shri Sai Baba, the name given to him by Mhalsapati, the priest of Khandoba temple where the Fakir first arrived along with the marriage party. As the days passed, devotees started streaming into Shirdi in ever growing numbers. The village became a centre of pilgrimage. Gifts and presentations started flowing in but Sai Baba would distribute all among the needy and the poor.
People realised that "Baba" was not an ordinary person but a person with extraordinary godly powers. Such powers are not known or present in normal human beings. Baba preached his principle of love and faith in humanity to all his disciples. He felt very sad over the fact that all those who came to him, came more for their own personal problems and not for attaining the ultimate goal of reaching God, which He felt could only be attained by true service to humanity.
Sai Baba strongly believed in uniformity of religion and never distinguished between anyone on the basis of caste, creed or religion. He always made it a point that those who had come to him in their hour of need and grief did not return empty handed. He performed miracles to remove the suffering of people. All were treated by him alike. Under his umbrella, both the Hindus and Muslims happily took part in each others religious festivals. The caste scheme of the Hindus had no relevance with Shri Sai. He had introduced the tradition of group worship, group prayer and group dinning for all and would share his 'Chilum' (Tobacco pipe) with all. He even showed highest compassion for animals and birds and encouraged his devotees to feed and take care of them. He recognised no difference in temporal status of human beings.
Baba often told the visitors to have “Shradda” ( faith) and “Saburi”( patience), the two hallmarks in the path of spiritual evolution. These two aspects together make a human being a fine vessel of the divine grace ; He taught no elaborate rituals apart from humanism. Sai Baba performed various miracles during His lifetime like lighting lamps with water, helping sick by his amazing healing powers etc. Today lakhs of devotees report the miracles being performed by Shirdi Sai, exactly as the Saint had stated during His lifetime that “I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body ” and that “My tomb shall bless and speak to the needs of my devotees”.
Though Baba attained Samadhi in the year 1918 (15th October), His majestic presence, teachings and miracles continues to guide and provide relief to the ever increasing number of His devotees. The ever multiplying number of Sai temples and devotees of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba in India and other countries establishes the ever- increasing relevance of His Preaching today. To His devotees, Baba is the absolute GOD. This has been the experience of His devotees and not imagination. Anybody who regularly meditates on the above assurances would surely realize and experience the presence of BABA.
Our Inspiration, Mentor and Guide - Dr. C.B Satpathy
Revered Shri C B Satpathy is known to one and all as ‘’Guruji’’, comes from a rich cultural family background of academicians and administrators. Born in Cuttack, Odisha, India, to a family of academicians and administrators in the year 1948. He completed his Bachelor's Degree in Political Science (Hons.) from Ravenshaw College, Cuttack under Utkal University in 1968 and Master's Degree in Political Science from Ramjas College, Delhi University in 1970. After teaching Political Science in Hastinapur College – E (presently known as Motilal Nehru College), Delhi University for about two years, he joined the Indian Police Service (IPS) in 1972. He served under the Governments of India and Uttar Pradesh in various important assignments till his retirement as Director General in the year 2008.
Guruji is a true spiritual practitioner in the highest form under the blessings of Shirdi Sai Baba. As an ardent devotee of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba, he has been the premier torch bearer of universal SAI movement, touching millions of SAI devotees worldwide for more than two decades. To his credit, he excelled in career in Indian Police Service where he was awarded three recognitions by the President of India for gallantry, meritorious service and distinguished service. Having retired as Director General of Police, he has taken to social and spiritual service. His association with several NGOs speaks of your dynamism, dedication and selfless service.
On the path of this extraordinary journey he has created a vast collection of Sai literature and regular magazines, enchanting collections of SAI music in Hindi , Oriya and other regional and international languages. He is an ardent devotee of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba, and for him, Shri Shirdi Sai Baba is the ultimate reality. He has been the premier torch bearer of the universal “Sai Movement”. Keeping Guru ( Master Shirdi SAI) in mind, he has been relentlessly spreading SAI movement in India and globe in the form of building temples, charitable institutions, schools, releasing devotional music, writing thought provoking literature on Shirdi SAI. Under his inspiration and guidance, more than four hundred centers devoted to philanthropy, community development, spiritualism and promotion of Indian culture, are active in countries like North America, Europe and Asia Pacific.
Millions of Sai devotees who have come in contact with him, say that he teaches a lot by a mere look than verbal doctrines. His eyes emit power of love which binds all. He has come to lay a path of love and establish Religion of Love, which knows no boundaries. He preaches that a single drop of tear from the eyes of a pious person can move – be it Shri Sai or Christ, in a fraction of a second. He says ‘Purity and Love' is the essence of Sai Movement. People, who have come in contact with him find solutions to their Materialistic, Psychological, Commercial & Health problems or for their Spiritual upliftment runs not in Thousands but in Millions.
Many International and national awards were conferred upon him due to his various contributions in the field of spiritualism, literature, music and social service. Guruji was the First Indian to have addressed the US House of representative in June 24th 2015 as a Guest Chaplin. In September 12, 2012 Guruji was honored with “ Building Bridges across the Nations” by WASITRAC ( Washington State India Trade Relations Action Committee). In 2012, an event organized by the DFW Orissa Society of Dallas, United States of America , Guruji was honored and felicitated for his selfless service to humanity.
Guruji has been conferred with D.Litt , Doctorate of Law and D.Sc ( Doctorate of Science) degree by Major renowned Universities in India.
In the process of spreading the philosophy of Shri Sai baba, he has authored a large volume of Sai related literature in various languages. His books “ Shirdi Sai Baba and other Perfect masters” and “ Baba May I Answer” has also been translated and published in some foreign languages like- Ukrainian, Nepalese, German, French, Spanish, Russian and Slovenian. Similarly his book titled Gopya Ru Agopya Sanskrit version entitled “ Shristhitatwanuchintanam”) has been well received. This book contains theory of creation of the Universe and many related topics. It illuminates the dual paths of knowledge and devotion that provided guidance to spiritual seekers. His magnum Opus entitled “ Guru Bhagavat” in Odia language runs into eight volumes containing 35,000 verses. For every traveler in spiritual journey, who aims to cross the world of worldly existence, this books is worth a treasure for daily reading. Besides his writing on Shirdi SAI, he has written more than three dozen books covering a range of topics such as satire, humor, poetry, spiritualism and cosmology.
Under his inspiration and guidance, more than four hundred centers devoted to philanthropy, community development, spiritualism and promotion of Indian culture, are active in countries like India, North America, New Zealand, Australia, Europe and Asia Pacific. Guruji has been instrumental in establishing many schools, colleges, hospitals, voluntary organizations and veterinary care centers.
He is an accomplished musician, lyricist and composer of Hindi and Oriya music. He has produced more than 50 compilations of devotional music in major Indian languages involving world renowned musicians and artists from Indian Music industry. As a singer also, he has given his golden voices in singing the glory of his master- Shirdi SAI in many music releases. For those who are in the path of SAI movement, his songs, especially sung by him give listeners a unique and devotional feelings to any listeners and take them into a kind of oblivion.
Today with Guru ji's blessings, Shri Sai movement is spreading at a great pace throughout the country and even abroad. Guru ji does not recommend the path of running away from the world in search of God but encourages and lends spiritual support to seekers, to become pious and find Shri Sai within us while fighting the materialistic battle.

With divine blessings and inspiration from Guruji Dr. Chandrabhanu Satpathyji, a Trust was formed on 27th January, 2020, named as- Shirdi Sai Seba Dham. By the grace of Guruji and Shri Shirdi Sai Baba, it was decided by the Trust to build a temple, which would unique and one of its kind in present day. All-in-one structure designed in such a way that, the devotees of Sai Baba would be able to find peace and solace in the temple along with the opportunity to worship and pray Lord Jagannath in the Shree Guru Bhagavat Tungi ( a place where daily chanting of Shree Guru Bhagavat would be performed by devotees).
The Temple is located at Rudrapur, (near Naharkanta in Bhubaneswar municipality area). It’s a beautiful 3-storied structure on the banks of Puri main canal (west side) and its first Sai temple to have come up in this area. The ‘Bhoomi Pujan’ was performed on 29th November, 2021 on the auspicious of Kartik Purnima day. The construction worked immediately after that time and it took exactly 11 months to finish up the entire 3 storied structure. On 7th November, 2022, Dr. Satpathyji came to inaugurate the temple and performed Pran Pratistha on the auspicious of Kartika Purnima day-7th November, 2022. He declared that the temple will be a “ Pithha” in future. The Dwarka Mai temple replica was constructed, with a life size idol of Sai Baba in a sitting full posture.
More than two thousand five hundred devotees came to witness this magnificent Pranpratistha by Guruji. It was a lifetime experience for most of the devotees to have witnessed this grand celebration. Many People from USA, Canada and other parts of the globe came especially to attend this event. Along with them, at least hundreds of devotees from other parts of India- Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Kolkata and Guwahati joined local people to this to be part of this occasion. While addressing the devotees Guruji Said-
“ In Baba’s temple, one should give priority to devotees and their wellbeing, rather than one’s selfish motives to promote family members’ interests. Everyone coming to Baba’s temple should be well disciplined and give highest importance to keep the sanctity of the surrounding of the temple areas. Discipline should not only be maintained while doing the rituals of Baba, but the service principles should also be adhered to which Baba always tried to do. He further said that the highest form of devotion should come from one’s self by respecting their parents first. Parental devotion is always bigger than any devotion mentioned anywhere. One should always be simple in his approach to worship Baba which should be coupled with devotion, so that the path to Baba’s way will be easier. “
The temple is a divine blessing for the people in and around twin cities of Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. Keeping with the tradition of the Shirdi Samadhi Mandir at Shirdi, the temple performs four Aartis’ daily- Kakad Aarti, Madhyan Aarti, Dhup Aarti and Shej Aarti. The main functions are celebrated annually here are the Mahasamadhi Diwas, Gurupurnima, Ram Navmi and Dattatreya Jayanti.
The Trust has also kept in mind the interest of the little children who frequent the temple with their parents, as they are the future torch bearers of the Sai Movement. Towards this end, a club for children has been formed to imbibe the values of Sai Satcharitra in our little ones, fun-filled activities based on the life of Shri Sai Baba, are organized every Saturday between 5.30 pm and 7.00 pm. These include painting competition, story telling (on Shri Sai), and much more.

Sai Seba Dham
A sacred space for spiritual growth and unity.
© 2025. All rights reserved.
Temple Timing : Monday to Sunday :
Aarti TIMING: 6:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 6:00 PM & 9:00 PM
Website - www.saisebadham.org
6:00 AM to 12:30 PM & 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Contact - +91 8882633540
Email - saisebadham@gmail.com